'Produced for Premio San Fedele 2017 Still Body Frenzy Mind addresses the prize theme "Light" in terms of intensity, electricity and pulse, with reference to the recent analysis of modernity as the time of "intense living" formulated by the French writer and philosopher Tristan Garcia. An extremely intimate phenomenon, such as dreaming, is visualised by means of the electric waves it produces in a dreamer's brain. Escaping any scientific reduction, brainwaves are transfigured into Perspex lightnings, a sculptoreal and unexpected presence. They ideally electrify the exhibition space transversing it from floor to ceiling.
The installation is expanded by cushions that invite the viewer to make himself comfortable and physically enter the mental universe evoked by the work. The documents on the wall add a scientific degree to the project, whilst broadening the range of its possible meanings. The work offers itself as a tool to activate intellective and sensory connections and associations in the viewer.'

(Stefano Castelli)

Fluorescent perspex (1/1), stuffed lycra and digital drawings (1/1)
Variable dimensions (h. 3 m.)